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Harwell Editorial

Professional Editing & 
Book Development Services.

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Are you ready to take your manuscript to the next level but aren’t sure where to start? Come on in and peruse the offerings of an industry professional with nearly ten years of experience.



As you may already know, I’m a proud member of the KT Literary family. I represent children’s and young adult authors, fiction and non-fiction. I joined the team in 2016 as an assistant to both Kate and Sara, providing editorial feedback to their clients as well as administrative support and began taking on my own clients in 2017. Prior to that I was an agented writer and critique partner myself, so I understand well what it’s like to receive feedback as well as give it.


One of my favorite aspects of being a literary agent is partnering with my clients to develop and elevate their projects. I love the synergy created when good feedback and good writing come together to elevate a manuscript to that special place it needs to be to catch an editor’s eye. And I love to impart knowledge, so not only will you receive insight and feedback into what is and is not working, you’ll receive the ‘why’ as well.

My goal editorially is to help open your mind and help inspire new ways of looking at your work, whether at the line level or from a developmental perspective. I offer constructive, intuitive, open-ended feedback and have achieved fantastic results for my own clients.


Submission Services


Query Letter Critique

Comprehensive review of your query letter, comparison titles, author biography. This includes an initial review and detailed feedback, as well as one resubmit after revision. Optional phone consultation available.


Query & Synopsis Critique

Comprehensive review of your query letter, comparison titles, author biography, and complete 1-2 page synopsis. This includes an initial review and detailed feedback, as well as one resubmit after revision. Optional phone consultation available.


Complete Submission Package Critique

Comprehensive review of your query letter, comparison titles, author biography, complete 1-2 page synopsis, and first 10 pages of your manuscript, as well as one resubmit after revision. Optional phone consultation available.

Manuscript Services


Partial Manuscript Edit

Biggest bang for your buck. I'll review the first fifty pages of your manuscript and provide developmental guidance on plot, pacing, characters, world-building, tension, motivation, etc. I'll edit on a line level to include feedback on syntax, clarity, grammar, voice, telling vs showing. You can then take this feedback and apply it to the rest of  your manuscript to truly elevate your work.


Full Manuscript Edit

Comprehensive review of your entire manuscript to include big-picture developmental suggestions (plot, character, pacing, tension, stakes, voice, style, motivation, etc), intuitive reactions to your story, open-ended recommendations intended to inspire and get your wheels turning. Line edits provided to improve clarity, syntax, grammar, etc. as needed. This is my most comprehensive package whereby you’ll receive page by page analysis, full developmental edit, line edits, query critique and synopsis feedback.


Picture Book Edit

Comprehensive review of your picture book project, including market viability, editorial feedback on structure, voice, pacing, etc. Includes query critique and feedback on up to three more paragraph-length pitches for future ideas, if you have them.


"Hilary is insightful and thorough in all her work. I really appreciate her honesty, kindness, and tenacity, and her clear and professional communication." ~ Deva Fagan, author THE MIRRORWOOD, A GAME OF NOCTIS, RIVAL MAGIC


"Whether she’s analyzing big picture arcs, strengthening individual scenes, or highlighting silly typos you can’t believe you missed, Hilary catches it all with her productive and kind notes. Her feedback gave me a clear path through revisions and helped me feel confident going on sub." ~ Carrie S. Allen, author of MICHIGAN VS. THE BOYS



"I've relied on Hilary Harwell for years as a trusted editor and friend. She's got an exceptional eye for story, and is especially good at building stakes and pacing, world building, and developing character arcs that wring your heart out then make you see stars. Hilary won't sugar coat the work that's needed, nor does she hesitate to tell you what you've done well and what stands out. Her feedback will provide all the guidance needed to level-up your story." ~ Gabrielle Byrne, author of RISE OF THE DRAGON MOON and THE EDGE OF STRANGE HOLLOW





Want to learn more about how I can help elevate your storytelling? Please fill out the form below. Tell me a little about yourself, your project (genre/audience/wordcount) and what you'd like to get out of working with me. I'll do my best to respond within 5 business days.

Before submitting, please read my terms and conditions to better understand what it's like to work with me.

Thanks for submitting!


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